Amended October 2002
Amended October / December 2003
Amended October 2008
Amended October 2013
Amended October 2015 (PDF)
The name of the organization shall be the RHODE ISLAND ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS.
The objectives of the Association are:
To improve the standards and profession of assessment practices in the State of Rhode Island.
To better acquaint the assessing officials of the State with more efficient and uniform administration of the tax laws of Rhode Island.
To furnish an opportunity for discussion upon subjects relating to general property taxation.
To elevate the standards of assessment administration by promoting a study of legislation which will strengthen and make more workable and understandable the general property tax laws of this State and in every proper way to promote justice and equity under the Constitution of the State of Rhode Island.
REGULAR MEMBERS: Any duly appointed or elected assessor, allowing one, (1), vote per community or designee of the municipality.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Any duly appointed deputy assessor, assessing official, or the head or heads of any State or Municipal department. Said member shall be actively engaged either by the state or municipality in the assessing profession within the State of Rhode Island. Former assessors, members of board of tax review and anyone interested in assessment work, not regularly employed by this State or a municipality therein in assessing or related work, including members of the State Department of Revenue.
LIFE MEMBERS: Those individuals who have served as regular members for a term of at least fifteen (15) years, upon their retirement, and voted by the membership, upon recommendation of the executive board. Any Life Member who returns to work as an assessor will be required to pay RIAAO annual dues.
Life members shall enjoy the rights and privileges of an associate member and without further payment of dues.
VENDOR MEMBERS: Any vendor relating to the assessing field or any related assessment activity.
A. The Executive Board may, make recommendations to the membership to change the dues structure, which would then need to be voted on by the body, and passed with a majority vote, at the annual meeting.
Regular Members ……….$30.00 per year.
Associate Members …….$25.00 per year.
Vendor Members ………..$60.00 per year, per company.
B. Dues shall be set at the annual meeting of each year.
C. Dues shall be payable by January 31st of each year.
D. Those members whose dues have not been paid by April 1st of each year shall be removed from the active rolls. Reinstatement as an active member shall be approved by the membership committee upon proof of payment of current dues.
The officers of this association shall consist of:
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Treasurer
D. Secretary
All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. Regular members or associate members in good standing shall hold offices. The term of all elected officers, except Executive Board Electees, shall be for one year.
Terms of elected officers shall begin within thirty days after elections. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, this office shall be automatically filled by the vice president.
In the event that the vice president does not wish or is unable to serve as president, the executive board will appoint a president pro tem, until such time as the body can elect a new president.
All other vacancies occurring during the term of office shall be filled by the body at the next meeting.
A. The Executive board shall consist of all elected officers, the immediate past president, all committee chairpersons ex-officio, and four other regular members to be elected for two-year terms by the body. If the immediate past president declines, then one past president shall be elected by the body. All ex-officio committee chairpersons are non-voting members of the Executive Board.
B. Terms of all executive board members shall be for two years. Terms of office are to commence within thirty days of the annual meeting.
C. Any vacancy on the executive board occurring during the term of office shall be filled by the body at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
D. The executive board shall oversee the Dennis Sheehan Lifetime Achievement Award and the Sylvia McInnis Memorial Award in accordance with the guidelines.
There shall be in addition to the executive board the following committees, who shall be appointed by the president, subject to approval of the executive board.
A. Legislative Committee
B. Educational Committee
C. Nomination Committee
D. Public Relations Committee
E. Audit Committee
F. Membership Committee
G. Scholarship Committee
H. Sunshine Committee
I. Technology Committee
J. Tangible/Personal Property Committee
K. Any Special Committee Appointed by the President
There shall be representatives to the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) and Northeast Regional Association of Assessing Officers (NRAAO) from the RIAAO. Each representative position shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval by the executive board. Representatives shall be regular or associate members of the RIAAO. The number of representatives shall be determined by the IAAO and NRAAO. Currently there are two IAAO Representative positions and one NRAAO Representative position. The President will appoint one IAAO Representative to the NRAAO Board each year.
For the purpose of transacting any business of any committee, a majority of the board or committee members will constitute a quorum.
A. PRESIDENT: The president shall be a member pro tem on any and all committees. They shall conduct all regular and special meetings. They shall conduct such meetings as prescribed by the Roberts Rules of Order. They shall be responsible for all executive matters and report to the membership any suggestions brought to their attention. If possible, the President should represent the Association at regional and/or national conferences. A sum, not to exceed One Thousand* Dollars ($1,000) annually, shall be made available to the President, or the President’s designee, to defray costs of attendance at the annual Northeast Regional Assessor’s Association Conference and/or the International Association of Assessing Officer’s Annual Conference.
B. VICE PRESIDENT: The vice president shall exercise all the powers and duties of the president during their absence or inability to act and shall perform such other duties as the president shall assign.
C. TREASURER: The treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received and disbursed. They shall be the chief financial agent of the association and shall pay all bills.
The audit committee shall examine the accounts of the treasurer within ten days prior to the annual meeting.
The treasurer shall procure the services of any bank that will accommodate their needs. Notice for payment of dues shall be sent via either regular mail or electronic mail to all members thirty days prior to the due date.
D. SECRETARY: The secretary shall send out notices via electronic mail to all paid members with the time, place, and date of all regular and special meetings. This is to be done at least ten days prior to any meeting with the exception of the annual meeting which notice will be sent thirty days prior to the said annual meeting.
The secretary shall send out copies of the minutes of all meetings to all members via electronic mail. The secretary shall perform all other duties as assigned by the president.
E. EXECUTIVE BOARD: The executive board shall have an organizational meeting within thirty days after election of officers. The president shall serve as chairperson.
The executive board shall be an advisory board to the entire membership and shall not consummate any decisions before presenting them to the entire body assembled at a regular or special meeting.
The executive board shall be advised by all committees and representatives on the actions or decisions pertaining to the association, before being presented to the membership.
F. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: The legislative committee shall have an organizational meeting within thirty days after appointment.
The chairperson shall be elected by the committee. The committee shall present to the membership, at a regular or special meeting, any and all legislation pertaining to the betterment of assessing laws and taxation laws of our state and must have the approval of the majority of members present at a regular or special meeting before proceeding to introduce such legislation to our State elected legislators.
G. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE: This committee shall meet within thirty days after appointment for the purpose of electing its chairperson and to formulate plans for the coming year.
This committee shall not make any commitments unless it first receives the approval of a majority of the Executive Board members. To be presented to the body at the next regular or special meeting.
H. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The nominating committee shall have an organizational meeting within thirty days after appointment. The chairperson shall be elected by the committee.
It shall be the duty of the committee to nominate at least one (1) regular member or associate member for each elective office existing in the Association.
Nominations shall be reported by either regular mail or electronic mail to all members of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to its annual meeting at which the elections are to take place.
Notification may be by Association publication, regular mail, or electronic mail as long as the thirty (30) day deadline is adhered to.
I. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: The public relations committee shall meet within thirty days after appointment for the purpose of electing its chairperson.
This committee shall endeavor to promote this association through subscription of new and potential members. It shall be the duty of this committee to see that all important matters brought forth at meetings be communicated thru the RIAAO website.
J. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The membership committee shall meet within thirty days after appointment for the purpose of electing its chairperson.
This committee shall consider all applications for new membership or reinstatement of lapsed membership.
Recommendation of all actions shall be made to the executive board.
The final decision concerning membership shall be by a vote of the body.
K. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: The scholarship committee shall oversee award of the following:
• RIAAO Memorial Scholarship
• Linda L. Cwiek Scholarship for IAAO
• Raymond E. Beattie Jr. Scholarship for NRAAO
All scholarships and awards will be handled in accordance with the corresponding guidelines for each scholarship or award.
L. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: The sunshine committee shall report the good and welfare of Association members and associates at its regular or special meetings.
M. TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE: The technology committee shall maintain the RIAAO website on a regular basis posting such items as: meeting notices and minutes, Association by-laws, current officers and committee appointments, educational offerings. Any other pertinent information to the membership shall be posted. The chairperson shall notify the Executive Board for any changes in the format of the website prior to posting.
N. TANGIBLE/PERSONAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE: The tangible committee shall meet within 30 days after appointment for the purpose of electing a chairperson and to address issues for the current year. Its goal is to review the tangible classification table and make recommendations to the body as well as the State for any legislative changes. Any changes must have the approval of the membership prior to introduction legislation. This is to be done according to RI Law 44-5-12.1 which states “Assets shall be classified on an annual basis by the Rhode Island Association of Assessing Officers’ Personal Property Committee based on the following table.” The committee may be asked by the Association to review and research other tangible related issues.
O. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Special committees may be appointed by the president to perform such services as President may wish to assign provided however that all such activities shall be in conformity with the bylaws.
The Officers and Executive Board shall be regular members or associate members in good standing and shall be elected by the membership by ballot.
All persons nominated by the committee will be placed on the ballot in alphabetical order for the office or position being contested. The ballot shall contain a blank space for each position for write-in votes. In the event of a tie, a second vote will immediately take place for only those individuals involved in the tie vote.
All members requesting to be placed on the ballot for a position must request nomination in writing to the Nominating Committee. Nominations from the floor will be accepted.
All regular members in good standing shall be eligible to vote. At the discretion of the president concerning any matter before the body, voting shall be accomplished by either a voice vote, standing count or paper ballot, allowing one, (1), vote per community.
No member shall be permitted to vote by proxy in any election.
There shall be at least a minimum of four regular meetings per calendar year which are suggested to occur at a minimum of once every three months. Meetings may be held in person or virtually.
A. SPECIAL MEETINGS: A special meeting may be called by the president at any time provided the membership is notified via either regular mail or electronic mail at least ten days prior to such special meeting.
Only those items for which the special meeting is called shall be discussed and acted on.
B. ANNUAL MEETING: The annual meeting shall be held in September or October. This meeting may be conducted as a regular business meeting, followed by the election of officers.
C. The president shall be empowered to have the Annual Meeting at a place suitable during their term in office.
D. No member, regular or associate, shall be denied the right to make any suggestions to the body, or be denied the right to speak on any subject being discussed.
E. QUORUM: A quorum shall consist of not less than 25% of regular members in good standing.
A. HOW TO AMEND: This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the regular members in good standing present and voting at any time during the year, however, changes will not take effect until the annual meeting, provided that notice of any proposed amendment shall be sent via electronic mail to all regular members not less than thirty (30) days prior to any meeting.
B. HOW TO PROPOSE: Amendments may be proposed either by initiatory petition signed by not less than ten (10) regular members or by resolution of the executive board.
Such petition or resolution shall be placed in the hands of the secretary, to notify all regular members that such proposed amendment will be voted on at the next meeting of member.
SECTION I: The following is a format for conducting association meetings:
1. All meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.
2. Call to order by the presiding officer.
3. Roll call of Officers and Executive Board as well as a roll call of municipalities. This is to be noted in the minutes.
4. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
5. Treasurer’s report.
6. Reading of communications.
7. Report of committees:
a. Legislative
b. Educational
c. Nomination (only prior to annual meeting)
d. Public Relations
e. Audit (only at annual meeting)
f. Membership
g. Scholarship
h. Sunshine
i. Technology
j. Tangible/Personal Property
k. IAAO Report
l. NRAAO Report
m. Any other committees
8. Unfinished business
9. New business
10. Good and welfare of the Association
11. One moment of silence for departed members.
12. Adjournment.
In the event that the Rhode Island Association of Assessing Officers is dissolved, all remaining funds will be given out as scholarships for courses or conferences to Regular and Associate Members.
REV: 10/94 by L. Cwiek, President
REV: 10/02 by K. Beattie, Secretary
REV: 10/03 by K. Beattie, Secretary
REV: 10/08 by J. Majeika, By-Laws Committee
REV: 10/13 by C. Randall, Secretary
REV: 10/15 by By-Laws Committee
REV: 10/22 by By-Laws Committee